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Photo by Evan Rogers Photography



What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;

–William Shakespeare, Romeo & Juliet

The mini breakfast quiches melted in my mouth with a burst of flavor. They awakened my senses more than my atypical cup of Morning Joe, the 20 oz. Coke. The smorgasbord of fresh fruit, pastries, and other breakfast items catered by A Cook For You transported me back to my first Caribbean cruise, where a twenty-year-old something felt like a bronze Brooke Shields feasting on a Bahamian buffet on Blue Lagoon Island.

Now decades later, I found myself in the midst of businesswomen who were like me, pregnant with entrepreneurial possibilities. As I networked, the same question accompanied by a befuddled look popped up like a comic strip dialogue bubble between me and each individual I approached:


What is a copywriter?


Many of the women immediately just discarded the title as just a “writer,” a redheaded stepchild who spent hours in solitary confinement scribbling senseless stories that did not equate to profit and ROI.

Some of them confused the title, “copywriter,” with someone who specialized in copyright law.

Others were drawn to the editing services that I also provided, asking me about e-book publishing and the manuscript editing process.

Only one person understood what the name “copywriter” meant, and she was a fellow colleague in the same field of marketing and branding.

To those who know what the name embodies, it is a flow of uninterrupted, unrestrained creativity; to those who found the title, “copywriter” strange, it was like a line from Sandra Cisneros’ The House on Mango Street— “. . .syllables. . .made out of tin [that] hurt the roof of your mouth.”


It is time to make the strange familiar to the corporate masses.


Defining the Brand of a Copywriter

A copywriter is a marketing partner who wears several hats and strives to creatively and succinctly convey what the company/brand represents.

A copywriter by any other name is. . .

  • The Corporate Midwife

Helping companies bring their vision to life by transforming their brand into something new, writing copy that embodies metamorphosis & change. This is the main concept behind Muse on Blast, leading people to an oracle of creativity that will bring their concepts to life.


  • The Vortex of Data & Design

Connecting the marketing analytics and web/graphic design with words that meet at the intersection of imagination and boldness.


  • The Voice of the Brand

Communicating what your company represents and finding marketing avenues to make your brand the voice of the people.


  •  The Scribe

Silencing the competitors who try to downplay your company through misconceptions and defining the true conception of your brand like a physician taking note of the real identity of a messenger about which others philosophically debated. With the stroke of the pen, your company becomes a breath of fresh air for customers who are tired of the same status quo.


  • The Concept Unpacker

Executing an extreme economy of words like Feng Shui design artists by unpacking your company’s message into marketing materials written in different styles tailor-made for different audiences.


  • The Peripheral Visionary

Envisioning your company through deeper perspectives by noticing the nuances of your brand that symbolize your uniqueness and connect with your target market.


Isn’t it about time that you partnered with a copywriter to define your name as a brand of excellence?

~About the Blogger

Be prepared to be bemused by blog posts written by Anjeanette Alexander-Smith, freelance copywriter, copyeditor and owner of Muse on Blast.  Connect with her on  Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Need your content to make an impact?  There is a Muse on Blast for that–creating content, not consensus.